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Relocation Appraisers

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Relocation Appraisal Information:

Relocation Appraisals are different and more specialized than mortgage loan appraisals. The Relocation Appraiser is asked to forecast what the house might be worth in the near future, say 90 days for example. A typical mortgage appraisal is looking for the value as of the date of the appraisal. The relocation appraisal goes into a lot more detail and in addition to analyzing past sales also analyzes current listings that are competing with the property that is being appraised. The client may ask for a specific forecast of the probable selling price of the property value within a typical marketing period, and usually will provide the time period for this forecast.

The Relocation Appraiser is often required to complete additional forms and gather more detailed information than what is completed for conventional mortgage appraisals, therefore the time required for an appraiser to complete a Relocation Appraisal is greater. Most appraisers offering Relocation Appraisals have taken special training to complete such appraisals.