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FHA Appraisal - Over 8,000 FHA Appraisers Listed!

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Find FHA appraisers anywhere in the USA! You may search by zip code or by State and County. All appraisers returned from this page provide FHA appraisals. Consumer Information.
Are you a qualified FHA appraiser? If so, add your listing free! Click here. The HVCC does not apply to FHA appraisals. Lenders can still order an appraisal directly from the appraiser. Please see our HVCC Info Page

Consumer Information:

FHA does not make loans, it insures them. The actual loans are made by lenders that are approved for the FHA loan program. Advantages of FHA loans are low down payments and easier qualifying. These loans are popular with first time home buyers due to low down payments and low closing costs. Closing costs can often be financed with the loan. In addition FHA insures "reverse mortgages" which allows Seniors to continue to own and live in their home, while providing them with a monthly income.

FHA insures loans on single family homes, homes of up to 4 units, and manufactured homes. Also available are loans for homes that need fixing up, and the cost of fixing up the home can be included in the loan.

To find a FHA approved lender please see FHA Lender Search

The appraisal for an FHA mortgage must be ordered by the lender and not the borrower. The appraisal must be provided by an appraiser that is approved by the FHA to complete the appraisal to FHA standards.

As of Oct 1, 2009 all FHA appraisers must be Certified Residential. Licensed appraisers are no longer allowed to perform FHA appraisals.