Information and Rules for Real Estate Appraisers

We reserve the right to change these rules at anytime, without prior notice. In addition we reserve the right to decide what listings appear in our directory. There is no charge to list your appraisal firm in the Appraiser directory. You may, as an option, purchase directory positions by county which will cause your listing to appear at the top of the regular free listings when a search is performed and the county you have purchased is specified. Information about purchasing directory position is here

The information you list such as your email address is not sold or given away to third parties. By listing here you agree to receive from time to time (once a quarter or less) email from updating you about improvements or other important information about .

If you list your appraisal firm here it is on an "as is" basis. That means it is up to you to check out anyone who contacts you for an assignment via this contact, just like you would if anyone calls you from the phone book or any other source. This site assumes no responsibility for any contacts you get as a result of you placing your listing in the database. By listing your appraisal firm here you are stating that you have the proper state licenses or certifications to perform the types of appraisals that you list. You are required to list your State License or Certification number when you place a listing and this information is displayed on the page that shows your complete listing. In addition, there is a link on this page that allows verification of appraiser licenses with the Appraisal Subcommittee. The reason for this requirement of listing your license number is because Appraiser is just for State Licensed or Certified Appraiser's listings and not for those who direct such business such as Appraisal Mangement firms. This site and site owner is not engaged in the Appraisal Management business nor are there any plans to do so in the future.

List the individual counties you cover. Also please list all of your appraisal types or property types you specialize in. If you perform any type of appraisal or property type specialty that is not listed on the Advanced Search Page in the "Appraiser Specialty" drop down box, please contact me and I will add your specialty to this list. We want you to be found!

You assume all responsibility for the information you list in the Appraiser database. Any misleading information you list will cause your listing to be deleted. You are allowed only 1 listing per company for each State where you are licensed or certified to do appraisals. Duplicate listings for the same State or Appraisal firm, "spamming", or similar activities to try to get an unfair advantage will cause all of your listings to be deleted without notice and you and your firm will be permanently banned from listing here. Failure to maintain a working email address in your listing will cause your listing to be deleted without notice. So if you change email addresses, be sure to login and change it here also. Please "whitelist" (put it on your "always allow" list) so our site will always be allowed to send you email. If your email server rejects (bounces) email from email FOR ANY REASON, your listing will be deleted.

It is your responsibility to keep your listing information up to date. You can log in 24/7 and update your listing. Listings can not be deleted by the user, they must be deleted by us. It is your responsibility to contact us to delete your listing should you no longer want a listing, no longer be in the appraisal business, or if your license expires, is revoked or suspended., in our sole discretion, reserves the right to edit listings and to determine which listings appear in our directory.

If there are any questions about these rules or the Appraiser, please contact us.

By using this website you are indicating your agreement with our Terms of Use. (will open new window). Do not use this website if you do not agree with these Terms of Use.