This page is just for new users. Please don't register twice.
If you already have a user name and password and want to edit your listing go to the existing users login page. If you do not remember whether you have previouly added a listing please click here and select your state and enter your last name in the "appraiser's name" field and search to see if you have a listing. If you find that you do have a listing already and you want to edit it go to the existing users login page. There is a password recovery system there in case you don't remember your password or user name.
This directory is for State licensed or certified appraisers only. (No Appraisal Management companies, licensed trainees, or unlicensed people please). Your license MUST be listed at the ASC National Database at in order to list here. If you are newly licensed please check to make sure your license is listed prior to adding a listing! Appraiser Info and Rules for this Directory
One Listing per firm for each State where you are currently licensed please! Choose a user name and password and insert them into the space below. Please write this information down because you will need it to edit your listing in the future. Then press the "register" button. You will then be able to add your listing. You are allowed one listing per firm for each State where you are licensed or certified. You do not have to register a new user name and password for additional states where you are licensed, you can add the listing under the same user name.
If you have any problems please contact the Webmaster giving the details. The user name and password you choose will be automatically emailed to you so you will have it for editing your listing in the future. If you use an invalid email address your listing will be deleted.
NO TRAINEE, PROVISIONAL, TRANSITIONAL, OR REGISTERED LICENSES! You must be either licensed, certified residential, or certified general and your license MUST be listed at the ASC National Database at
It is your responsibility to keep your listing information up to date. You can log in 24/7 and update or delete your listing. It is your responsibility to delete your listing should you no longer want a listing, no longer be in the appraisal business, or if your license expires, is revoked or suspended.